Embedded Tech

  • Clover

    This will be an article about my C-like language, Clover. For now head over to the GitHub repository to check it out.

  • Placid


    Placid is a cross-platform operating system for embedded systems. It can run on platforms as small as Arduino and ESP8266 all the way up to Raspberry Pi. The source code is available with an MIT license from GitHub. Motivations I started thinking about bare metal programming on the Raspberry Pi when I tried running OctoPrint (https://octoprint.org)…

  • Putting Data in ESP8266 Flash Memory

    Putting Data in ESP8266 Flash Memory

    The ESP8266 has precious little RAM. You start with a little over 80KB, but the system takes up over 20K of that just for wifi and other required functionality. So best case you get under 60K of RAM for your use. In fact, if you use the Arduino toolchain you’ll be lucky to be left…

  • Multicast DNS Tribulations

    Multicast DNS Tribulations

    For my m8rScript project I really want to use Bonjour. It would give me a way of finding many ESP8266 devices on the network without having to nail down IP addresses. The concept is simple: you give your device a name, like yardweather. Then you type yardweather.local into your web browser and up pops the…

  • m8rScript


    Embedded microcontrollers are amazing. For a few dollars you can have a postage stamp sized device with 500K of RAM, multiple megabytes of Flash ROM, Wifi, Bluetooth and lots of I/O. You can connect up displays for clocks and connected information terminals, add sensors to make your own weather station, ot hook up addressable LEDs…

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